Mailing Lists
Below our are mailing lists... if you have trouble subscribing to our lists, please contact us at for assistance. We are also on Facebook and have a chat group there.
HSFC Announcement List (HSFC-Announce)
This mailing list is used by the club to notify members and friends of club happenings. All club members should subscribe to this list. Others interested in club announcements are welcome to subscribe as well. The list only carries club announcements and is low volume. To subscribe, send an email to from the email address you like to subscribe to the list and then reply to the message you get in response to confirm your subscription. Do not use the Join button. If you do not see the invite message in your inbox within a few minutes, check your Junk/SPAM folder for it.
Web viewer and list archives are available at <>.
Note that while this mailing list is hosted at Google Groups, you do not need to have a Google account to subscribe to the mailing list or to view the public list archives using the link provided above.
HSFC Management List (HSFC-Board)
This mailing list is used for HSFC management discussions between HSFC members. HSFC members are encouraged to subscribe to this list and to participate in management discussions. The list is only open to current HSFC members. To subscribe, send an email to from the email address you like to subscribe to the list and then reply to the message you get in response to confirm your subscription. Do not use the Join button. If you do not see the invite message in your inbox within a few minutes, check your Junk/SPAM folder for it.
To post to HSFC Management list, send your message to from your subscribed email address. Messages from non-subscribers will be rejected. Note that this list should not be used to contact the club. The club general email address is
Note that while this mailing list is hosted at Google Groups, you do not need to have a Google account to subscribe or post to the mailing list. The list's archives are not public. If you need access, contact for assistnace.